Tsuruoka City Kamo Aquarium

Tsuruoka City Kamo Aquarium

Regular opening hours: 09:00-17:00
Summer holidays special opening hours (2018 July, 28th to August, 19th): 09:00-17:30
The reception desk closes 30 minutes before the closure time.

Opened all year around (no closed day)

Entry fees:
Adults (over 15 years old): 1000 yens/person
Groups of adults: 900 yens/person

Children (6 to 15 years old): 500 yens/person
Groups of children: 450 yens/person

Toddlers and infants (under 5 years old): free
To qualify for group fees, a group must contain 10 or more persons (toddlers & infants not included)

NameTsuruoka City Kamo Aquarium
AddressYamagata Tsuruoka City Imaizumi Okubo 657-1
Map Google Maps
Web Web
Category Aquarium Yamagata
Published2019-11-28 16:32:18
Updated2019-11-28 16:32:18

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